Dollar stores would make perfect vaccination sites

1 dot = 1 dollar store

1 dot= 1 dollar store

1 dot= 1 dollar store
1 dot = 1 dollar store
1 dot= 1 dollar store
1 dot= 1 dollar store
In the these visualizations, I decided to recreate some of the visualizations used in this Bloomberg story with a few twist of mine. The story looks at how using dollar stores as vaccinatiion centres would have improved the coverage as it pertains to easy access.
I focus on a different state - Georgia instead of the Arkansas used by Bloomberg. Georgia has 411 vaccination sites and 1,322 dollar stores. However, many parts of the state are outside the 10-minute driving range of vaccination sites.
There are over 1,300 dollar stores in Georgia
1 dot = 1 dollar store
blue dots = dollar stores
red dots = vaccination sites
Map with QGIS and Illustrator | Inspired by Bloomberg’s story.
There are over 1,300 dollar stores
in Georgia
1 dot = 1 dollar store
blue dots = dollar stores
red dots = vaccination sites
Map with QGIS and Illustrator | Inspired by Bloomberg’s story.
There are over
1,300 dollar stores
in Georgia
1 dot = 1 dollar store
blue dots = dollar stores
red dots = vaccination sites
Map with QGIS and Illustrator | Inspired by Bloomberg’s story.
Map with QGIS and Illustrator | Inspired by Bloomberg’s story.
Then in the Georgia map, to make it easier to understand, I limited my variables (layers) to just two instead of the three used in the Arkansas map. Using social vulnerability index of Georgia, I calculated how the distance from dollar stores to residents of low income households relative their distance from current vaccination sites. The result is a map which shows areas that are within 10 minutes of dollar stores that would have been covered but are outside 10 minutes of vaccination sites.
Dollar stores as vaccination sites increase access for
many low income households
Areas within a 10-mins drive of dollar stores
but outside 10-mins drive of vaccination sites
Red dots are vaccination sites
Dollar stores as vaccination sites increase access for
many low income households
Areas within a 10-mins drive of dollar stores
but outside 10-mins drive of vaccination sites
Red dots are vaccination sites
Dollar stores as vaccination
sites increase access
for low income households
Areas within a 10-mins drive of dollar stores
but outside 10-mins drive of vaccination sites
Red dots are vaccination sites