Interactive maps of county typology and police brutality

By Kunle Falayi

The typology codes provided by the USDA puts the economic dependence of each county in the US in six main overlapping categories. The typology codes are important for policymakers, researchers in determining the economic conditions of every county.

US counties' economic typology

The typology codes mapped here classify all counties according to six economic dependence.

Counties by typology code

Zoom in and click on county for more details

Fed/State Govt

Police brutality during George Floyd protests

The murder of George Floyd by police officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020 sparked a wave of protests across the nation.

However, as the protests spread due to citizen's outrage, confrontations between police and protesters escalated.

This data of reported police brutality during the protests was collated for the use of the public, journalists and activists.

Confrontations between protesters and police spiked during the protests, so did police brutality

Zoom in to see more dots, precise location of incidents

1 incident